2018/05/23 マンガ教育部会2018年5月例会(公開研究会)のお知らせ


Using anime and manga in teaching(教育におけるアニメ・マンガの活用)

Courses on anime have been part of the curriculum for quite a few colleges and universities in North America for over a decade. However, if an educator or student wants to use anime in the K-12 classroom, they face greater challenges in a school environment obsessed with uniform academic standards and high-stakes testing. This study explores the relationship between perceptions of anime in terms of emotional affect and pedagogical utility between two non-instructor populations: aspiring K-12 teachers with little or no familiarity with anime or the craft of teaching, and anime fans from varied racial, socioeconomic, sexual identity, age, and geographic groups. Data was collected between 2013-2015, and included responses from 46 aspiring teachers to individual interviews and group mock lesson plans that demonstrated how they would incorporate anime in a classroom. Secondly, it included responses to face-to-face interviews from 44 anime fans from the southeastern, Atlantic, and western United States. Implications for K-12 teaching, especially in terms of responding to John Dewey’s theories on aesthetics and pedagogy are discussed.

Dr. Brent Allison, Associate Professor
College of Education
University of North Georgia
ノースジョージア大学 教育学部 准教授

日時: 2018年5月23日(水)18:15-19:45
場所: 大阪大学 豊中キャンパス 全学教育推進機構 実験棟1階サイエンス・スタジオ A
主催: 日本マンガ学会 マンガ教育部会
共催: 日本マンガ学会 若手研究者ネットワーク部会(YARN)

世話人: 家島明彦(大阪大学)

カテゴリー: マンガ教育部会, 部会